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1 oz Great Britain Silver Britannia (Random Year)

The 1 oz British Silver Britannia Coins featuring the new portrait of King Charles III (Queen Elizabeth II on the older versions) are available in Brilliant Uncirculated condition from Veldt Gold, purchasable with cryptocurrency.


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Product Details

The British Silver Britannia Coin entered a new era in 2023 as the Royal Mint transitioned from depicting Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse to featuring a new portrait of King Charles III.

The Royal Mint began the 2023 production cycle for its major bullion coins with a final effigy of Queen Elizabeth II. Following the Queen's passing in September 2022, there was limited time to create a new portrait, so the decision was made to mint a limited run of 2023 Britannias with Her Majesty's image before introducing the new coins featuring King Charles III.

All 2023 1 oz British Silver Britannia Coins available at Veldt Gold are in Brilliant Uncirculated condition. The coins are packaged individually in flips, in multiples of 25 in plastic tubes, and in multiples of 500 in Monster Boxes, each containing 20 tubes of 25 coins.

The obverse of the 2023 British Silver Britannia Coins features the new effigy of King Charles III (with older versions featuring Queen Elizabeth II). His Majesty is depicted in left-profile relief without a crown, following the tradition of alternating the orientation of the monarch's effigy on the coins and using a crownless portrait for male monarchs. This new image of the king was created by Martin Jennings.

The reverse of the 1 oz Silver Britannia Coin displays a depiction of Britannia, designed by Philip Nathan in 1987. This design shows Britannia holding a trident in one hand, a Union Jack shield in the other, and wearing a Corinthian helmet.

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Random Year

Product Type



1 oz