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Historical Value of Precious Metals

The value of precious metals has steadily increased throughout the years, even after experiencing historical lows. Gold, silver, and other precious metals have consistently risen in value, and we anticipate this trend will continue. Compared to traditional money and currency, which only hold value because of government endorsement, precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium retain their value over time, as they have done for thousands of years.


Gold, for example, was a common commodity during Roman times, and silver has been exchanged for goods since 700 B.C. While economic conditions may fluctuate, precious metals have proven to be resilient. The value of gold is particularly intriguing as it has a long-standing history of maintaining its worth, whether in its pure form or as jewelry. During the global financial crisis of 2007–2008, gold saw a significant increase, reaching $1,000 per ounce and surpassing $1,800 in subsequent years. In contrast, the US dollar experienced a sharp decline due to increased money supply, a substantial budget, and significant trade deficits. Regardless of location, gold often outperforms other investments, especially when public trust and confidence in government are low. A simple macroeconomic principle applies to gold: when supply is low, the price rises due to increased demand. This is particularly relevant to gold as it takes several years to bring a new gold mine into production.


Silver, on the other hand, offers a way to protect against monetary volatility caused by central banks’ money supply increases. The rarity of silver makes it hold its value better in the long run. As it is cheaper than gold, silver is an excellent asset for both beginner and experienced investors. The lower price also allows for silver stacking. While silver prices may be more dynamic and volatile in the short term, its value has been steadily increasing since 2004.


Platinum, a rare precious metal, also serves industrial needs. Each year, 82 million ounces of gold and 547 million ounces of silver are mined, compared to only 5 million ounces of platinum, highlighting the supply-demand dynamics.


Palladium, similarly rare, follows platinum closely in terms of value, albeit slightly lower. The automotive industry represents the largest source of demand for these metals, and as emerging economies such as India, China, and Brazil prosper, the desire for cars will increase, further driving up demand and prices.